News, thoughts & stories
The latest news, thoughts and stories from the experts on all things digital inclusion, technology for social good, community delivery and learning, and so much more!
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Meet me where I am: speaking the language of offline citizens
Kat Dixon is a research fellow with the Data Poverty Lab. Over three months, she’s investigating community-led initiatives which enable good access to the internet for people experiencing data poverty. These blog posts track her journey and thinking.
Library internet access: is this a 20th Century solution to a 21st Century problem?
Kat Dixon is a research fellow with the Data Poverty Lab. Over three months, she’s investigating community-led initiatives which enable good access to the internet for people experiencing data poverty. These blog posts track her journey and thinking.
Not all customers are created equal: why cheaper internet isn’t always a choice
Kat Dixon is a research fellow with the Data Poverty Lab. Over three months, she’s investigating community-led initiatives which enable good access to the internet for people experiencing data poverty. These blog posts track her journey and thinking.