Digital Nation 2024: Sources and Explainer

Good Things Foundation is the UK’s leading digital inclusion charity, working in partnership across the UK to Fix the Digital Divide for Good. Each year, we collate statistics from national datasets, public polling, and authoritative analysis to convey key facts about digital exclusion and inclusion in the UK. The full set of sources is provided below. 

Please use and share this free resource, crediting Good Things Foundation and linking to our webpage so others can also access the full list of sources. Recommended citation:

Digital Nation 2024, Good Things Foundation.
Sources at:


Age UK (2023), You can’t bank on it any more

Cebr (2022), The economic impact of digital inclusion in the UK

Centre for Social Justice (2023), Left Out: How to tackle Digital Exclusion and reduce the Poverty Premium

Forbes (2023), IT skills gap report

Good Things Foundation (2023), Digital skills pathway for shared prosperity

Good Things Foundation (2024), Minimum Digital Living Standard

IMF (2024), AI will transform the global economy

Lloyds Banking Group (2022), UK Consumer Digital Index Report 2022

Lloyds Banking Group (2023), UK consumer Digital Index Report 2023

NHS Digital (2023), NHS App reaches record users on 5th Anniversary

Nominet (2023), Digital Youth Index

Ofcom (2023), Pricing trends for communication services

Ofcom (2023b), Affordability Tracker

Public First (2024), Public First (2024), Poll for Good Things Foundation. Online survey conducted 16th – 22nd January 2024; sample size 2,007 UK adults, weighted by interlocking age & gender, region and social grade to Nationally Representative Proportions

Virgin Media O2 (2023), One in five brits feel they are being left behind due to lack of digital skills

Vodafone (2023), Realities of the Digital Divide

Our Changing Digital World


Statistic Reference
33% of those offline say its difficult to interact with NHS services Lloyds Consumer digital index, 2022 

39% of UK adult population not registered on NHS App Calculation based on NHS England, December 2023, and UK population estimates (15 and over) 
50% higher food costs without internet access Left out, Centre for social justice. August, 2023 

4m+ older people are not managing their money online You can’t bank on it anymore, Age Uk, May 2023 

Banking takes 1.5 hours longer without an internet connection OnePoll for Vodafone, June 2023 

92% of UK businesses say there is a digital skills gap IT skills Gap report, Forbes, September, 2023 
40% of jobs will be affected by AI, worldwide Analysis by IMF, January 2024 

33%unaware of local access point for device access or internet connection Public First polling for Good Things Foundation, January 2024

Public First (2024), Poll for Good Things Foundation. Online survey conducted 16th – 22nd January 2024; sample size 2,007 UK adults, weighted by interlocking age & gender, region and social grade to Nationally Representative Proportions

8% of eligible households signed up for social Tariff Pricing trends for communications services, Ofcom, Dec 23 


What the public think


Statistic Reference
92% think most ESSENTIAL SERVICES require internet access  Good Things Foundation Polling, January 2024

Public First (2024), Poll for Good Things Foundation. Online survey conducted 16th – 22nd January 2024; sample size 2,007 UK adults, weighted by interlocking age & gender, region and social grade to Nationally Representative Proportions

76% want GOVT INVESTMENT in digital skills training Good Things Foundation Polling, January 2024

Public First (2024), Poll for Good Things Foundation. Online survey conducted 16th – 22nd January 2024; sample size 2,007 UK adults, weighted by interlocking age & gender, region and social grade to Nationally Representative Proportions

64% believe that there is NOT ENOUGH SUPPORT for people who cannot get online Good Things Foundation Polling, January 2024

Public First (2024), Poll for Good Things Foundation. Online survey conducted 16th – 22nd January 2024; sample size 2,007 UK adults, weighted by interlocking age & gender, region and social grade to Nationally Representative Proportions

21% feel left behind by technology Virgin Media O2 polling data, October 23 


The scale of the digital divide


Statistic Reference
2.4m households can’t afford their mobile phone contract Affordability tracker, Ofcom, Jan 2024 

8.5m lack the basic digital skills  Lloyds Consumer digital index, 2023 

7.5m working age adults lack basic digital skills for work  Lloyds Consumer digital index, 2023 

1.5m people don’t have a smartphone, tablet or laptop Lloyds Consumer digital index, 2023 

0.6m young people lack home internet or a suitable device Digital youth index, Nominet 2023 

3.7m families below Minimum Digital Living Standard Good Things Foundation, The Minimum Digital Living Standard, 2024,understand%20and%20manage%20digital%20risk


Who is left behind


Statistic Reference
24% of those not working Lloyds Consumer digital index, 2023 

48% with no formal qualifications Lloyds Consumer digital index, 2023 

37% of over 65s lack basic digital skills Lloyds Consumer digital index, 2023 

25% with disability or health condition  Lloyds Consumer digital index, 2023 


The benefits of being digital included


Statistic Reference
5000 community access points ‘The National Digital Inclusion Network’ Good things foundation, KPI reporting, March 24
£13.7bn benefit to the economy Economic impact of investing in digital skills, CEBR 2022,for%20every%20%C2%A31%20invested

I’m more employable
68% saw work or skills related benefit 
Digital Skills Pathway evaluation, Good Things Foundation, 2022 

I’m happier 

76% say the internet helps them connect with friends and family

Good Things Foundation, Impact surveys Dec 23

Good Things Foundation send a short survey to all people that have been supported by our network who have given us permission to contact them and for who we have appropriate contact details.  Responses are not incentivised and therefore the data we collect is from a self selecting, non representative sample.  Response numbers = 346 Dec 2023

I’m healthier 

68% can use online tools to help them manage their health

Good Things Foundation, Impact surveys Dec 23

Good Things Foundation send a short survey to all people that have been supported by our network who have given us permission to contact them and for who we have appropriate contact details.  Responses are not incentivised and therefore the data we collect is from a self selecting, non representative sample.  Response numbers = 346 Dec 2023

I’m better off 

People with high digital engagement save £900 more a year

Lloyds Consumer digital index, 2023 

46k devices collected to date Good things foundation, KPI reporting, March 24
CO2e saved equivalent to 328k trees Good things foundation, KPI reporting, March 24


Accessibility description

Digital Nation 2024 is a picture with statistics about digital inequalities in the UK. The picture shows a river between two banks to convey the digital divide. The right bank (green) captures benefits of being online and fully digitally included. The left bank captures the scale of digital exclusion, why being digitally included is important, who is most likely to be affected and what the public think. Use of shading (from red to amber) reminds that digital exclusion is not binary; it is not a simple matter of online or offline, but a spectrum. Some people have no access, no skills, no support; others may be online but are ‘limited’ users of the internet. For example, someone who has a basic smartphone but cannot afford sufficient connectivity, or only has the skills to do basic messaging or social media. Six signposts on the left bank – devices, connectivity, capability, confidence and trust – are key aspects of support people need to cross the divide. Three bridges cross the river – capturing the three digital inclusion services delivered by Good Things Foundation with strategic and community partners: National Databank, National Device Bank and the National Digital Inclusion Network. The data used is from a variety of sources including Lloyds consumer Digital Index, Ofcom and Good Things Foundation. 

More information

To find out more about Good Things Foundation’s offer and how it can help you – or how you can help us – please contact: 

To find out more about Good Things Foundation’s work to build the evidence base on digital inclusion – please contact: 

You may also find these resources helpful: 

Digital Exclusion Risk Index – toolkit developed by Greater Manchester Combined Authority with data relevant to England, Scotland, and Wales

Minimum Digital Living Standards project – led by University of Liverpool with partners to develop a holistic, household-level benchmark for the good, services, and capabilities needed for a family to feel digitally included in the UK