A partnership with purpose

We can’t fix the digital divide alone. If your organisation is passionate about social inclusion, digital transformation and environmental impact, then we’re the partner for you.

Help build a digitally inclusive society

Our society is linked with digital. Access and skills to use devices and the internet underpin how we work, communicate, learn, shop and use services. But as we move more online the UK’s digital divide – the gap between those who do and don’t have access and skills to use digital – is getting deeper.

Our research shows:

  • 8.5 million people lack basic digital skills
  • 3.7 million families are below the Minimum Digital Living Standard
  • 2.4 million households can’t afford a mobile phone contract

At the same time, the UK has become one of the main contributors of electronic waste. Devices like laptops and mobile phones are going to the landfill when they could be reused instead.

Not only will your organisation help fix this digital divide by partnering with Good Things, you’ll also:

  • Make a powerful contribution towards your Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy
  • Prove your commitment to social and environmental impact on a national scale, whilst demonstrating the importance of community-centred solutions 
  • Enhance your organisation’s reputation by committing to help 1 million people become digitally included by 2025, in line with our strategy 
  • Ensure nobody is left behind in the digital transformation of services, showing your responsibility to your customers, employees and the communities in which you work

So, how do you want to help fix the digital divide?

  1. Become a strategic partner
  2. Become a supporter


Become a strategic partner

Our mission, to fix the digital divide (for good), is bold and ambitious. We need collaborative and innovative partnerships to make our society one without digital exclusion. 

Every strategic partner works with us during a 3 year partnership. As a strategic partner, you would make a commitment to:

  • Advocate for action to fix the UK’s digital divide with Government, businesses and the public
  • Provide advice and insight, bringing the best of your organisation’s expertise to help solve key challenges in digital exclusion. For example, some of our current partners bring their experiences with rural connectivity, online safety, affordability and artificial intelligence 
  • Grow and increase engagement with members in the National Digital Inclusion Network 
  • Celebrate the impact your digital inclusion investment is having on people’s lives and their local communities  

Let’s talk about what a strategic partnership could look like for your organisation.


You’ll join a group of trusted strategic partners

Since launching our strategy to help 1 million people by 2025 and establish 5000 community-based places for people to get digital inclusion support, we’ve established partnerships with a number of trusted organisations. They’ve made a significant investment in multi-year partnerships to help us achieve our vision of a digitally inclusive society.

By becoming one of our strategic partners, you’ll be joining and collaborating with like minded experts all working to fix the digital divide.

Accenture logo

Partner since 2024 More news coming soon!


Join us in turning this vision into lasting change.

Become a supporter

If you’re not yet ready to become a strategic partner, there’s lots your organisation can do to support our mission. We work with organisations of all shapes and sizes who are driven to get everyone equal, safe and affordable access to the internet.

Whether you’d like to

  • donate devices
  • lead digital inclusion in your area
  • produce digital inclusion resources
  • embed digital inclusion in your service offering
  • start or take part in digital inclusion research

or have another idea on how to fix the digital divide, we’d love to speak to you!

Get in touch to talk about becoming a supporter.

Let’s talk partnership

We need your help to fix the digital divide. Whether you’d like to become one of our crucial strategic partners or a valued supporter, we want to talk to you.

Fill in the form below and a member of our Partnerships team will be in touch!

If you'd prefer us to call
What would you like to speak about?(Required)
Let us know any other relevant details that may help us identify the best partnership opportunity for you.