Clicking On In Sunderland
A report on Peer Research Findings and Recommendations for Make It Click - a two-year project which aims to shift the dial on helping ‘limited users’ of the internet in the UK to gain the confidence and new skills they need to thrive online.
Too often the views of what’s needed by local people are not generated by local people.
As part of Make It Click, our digital skills partnership project with, we wanted to ensure that design of our online resources and marketing campaign was not only user-driven but led by local experts, so our peer research project ‘Clicking On in Sunderland’ was born.
Over the course of six months in 2019, supported by Sunderland North Family Zone, we worked with a group of local people to upskill and learn from them. We wanted to know what really mattered to limited users of the internet, how to reach and engage them and what good online learning and support should focus on. This report charts the project journey, outputs and design principles that were produced with the peer researchers.
For more information on online resources to help you find work, continue and grow business or feel more confident with doing things digitally please visit Make It Click.