Challenging wider inequalities

At Good Things Foundation, we are using digital as an enabler to solve social challenges and to change lives. Our programmes powered by digital help people to gain the wider skills and opportunities they need to participate fully.

Featured projects

English My Way

English My Way was a community-based English language project, developed by Good Things Foundation in partnership with the BBC and the British Council, which supported adults with no or low levels of English language skills.


Voicebox Cafés

Voicebox Cafés took place during 2018, supporting excluded women to understand, celebrate and participate in democracy and public life.



Reboot UK was a digital skills programme for multiply excluded individuals, focused especially on people affected by homelessness and mental health problems.


A Roadmap for Combined Authorities

We're working with Capita to kickstart new conversations at a regional level - and inspire senior leaders to set ambitious strategies to Fix The Digital Divide.